What are the different types of water purification systems?
Nowadays, water purifier is the major factor of the industrial sector and household sector, as it is important to people for consuming water supply in any resident, office, school, hotel and store. Normally, there are 3 to 6 stages of water purification systems which absorb the contaminant in process by the different types of purification system, including filter out sediments, rocks, dirt, sand and also capture contaminant, pathogen, bacteria and chemical contaminated in water that we drink and use in our daily lives.
There are several types of water purifier, so it is may be confusing to people who are deciding what water purification systems to install in their homes. Today, we, Mazuma would like to introduce you “types of water purifier” which we divide it into “4 different types of water purification system”.
UV (Ultra Violet) Water Purification Systems?
UV (Ultra Violet) Water Purification Systems can completely purify clean and safe water in a certain way. It is an effective way to use in typical household or office because the UV (Ultra Violet) light is extremely effective at killing bacteria from spreading disease through drinking water. For its best beneficial results, the taste of water and minerals required for your body remain virtually unaltered. Moreover, its filter is easy to replace and maintain as well, and this is why UV (Ultra Violet) water purifier is sufficient for purifying tap water rather than other sources of water.
UF (Ultra Filtration) Water Purification Systems?
There are 3 to 5 stage in UF (Ultra Filtration) water purification system. Inside of its cartridge filter contains a thousand of synthetic fiber, and the pores range in 0.01 micron fineness to purify clean drinking water. In virtue of this fineness, it is totally effective to filter out sediments and contaminant without causing problems in the purification system or finished water. UF (Ultra Filtration) water purifier is easy to replace the filter, and more than that the maintenance costs would be reduced. This is why UF (Ultra Filtration) water purifier which is being typically used in household, it is sufficient for purifying tap water rather than other sources of water.
RO (Reverse Osmosis) Water Purification Systems?
There are 5 to 6 stage in RO (Reverse Osmosis) water purification system. It is used for purifying contaminant in water and capturing essential and non-essential minerals for your body. Drinking water that had been purified by RO (Reverse Osmosis) system became fully and perfectly pure drinking water. RO (Reverse Osmosis) system also makes the desalination: the process of removing salt from water which is suitable for patient with kidney and heart diseases, kids and small pets, Nevertheless, there are some issues from RO (Reverse Osmosis) water purifier too: the first one is the lack of beneficial minerals in water caused by some parts of the process, and the second one is difficult to maintain unlike the other systems. However, the high quality and safety of finished water that you will be provided, it is worth to get one though.
Alkaline Water Purification System
Alkaline water purifier is the 6-stage water purification system. It assists alkaline drinking water in the range of pH 8.0 to 9.5. Its advantages are fascinating for detoxifying toxic properties and maintaining the balance between pH and acid in your body because we eat food containing acid-forming substances every meal and everyday which is bad for our health. For this reason, alkaline drinking water will help you to prevent heart disease and cancer, as well as it helps to get you good health and boost your immune system.