9 companies specializing in construction and home decoration equipment in Thailand joined forces to create “The Connext Group” that is aiming to upgrade the design work in order to create more value for residential projects and real estate industry in Thailand. At present, the real estate market is highly competitive. Consumers have many choices in terms of household goods, housing location, house pricing, design and amenities facility. For these reasons are the origin of the establishment of “The Connext Group”. The Connext Group is the aggregation of 9 companies that are specializing in innovative construction and decoration equipment in Thailand. The Connext Group is founded to present to the people of Thailand the innovations and new products that focus on quality and premium grade designs of products that are both imported and locally manufactured. The products is divided into 3 main groups which are
1) architects and designers
2) developers and contractors, and
3) consumers or end users.
The solutions that customers will receive from The Connext is the variety of products and innovations that will differentiate their projects to look more charming, more exotic, modern in which will lead to an increase in sales opportunities.
Mazuma (Thailand) Co., Ltd. is one of The Connext Group because we are The Expert in the water quality management. Mazuma provide a complete system for water quality management as we produce and distribute all products that related to water quality management such as water filters, water pumps, hot-water boilers, water pumps. Mazuma also brings in other household innovative products in the category of fans, air coolers and air purifiers in order to meet the needs of customers in both household sector, business sector and industrial sector.